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Solar Energy
Propietarios de casas

Monitoree la instalación fotovoltaica y ahorre dinero

Electricidad más sostenible para el hogar gracias a las baterías



Laura lives with her family of four in a spacious detached house on the outskirts of Verona in Italy. For some time, she has also owned a photovoltaic system and is extremely enthusiastic about it:


“Before we installed our photovoltaic system, we had to buy the electricity for our household appliances from the grid. It was quite expensive. As we now have solar modules on the roof and an inverter in the utility room, we produce clean electricity ourselves and can use it during the day at no additional cost.”


This saves the family hundreds of euros every year. They use a smartphone app to monitor the yield of the system – a clear and transparent means of doing so.

» Somos nuestros propios operadores del sistema eléctrico. «



Saving monthly energy costs with a battery

The PV system was added to the Fronius Solar.web online portal at the time of installation. This platform can be accessed either from a laptop, smartphone or tablet. The basic version is also free of charge.


In Solar.web, Laura can see at a glance how much electricity she generates and how much she consumes. This is also how she found out that she needs a lot of electricity when the sun is not shining. With a battery, this is no longer a problem, as Laura can use more of her own power and thus also save money.


Click here to go to Fronius Solar.web!



» En algún momento, nos dimos cuenta de que producíamos mucha energía, pero no siempre la utilizábamos totalmente. Gracias a la batería, ahora podemos almacenar la energía y utilizar la electricidad por la noche, por ejemplo. «



Increasing self-consumption with system monitoring

Laura’s family produces about 4,900 kWh of clean solar electricity a year with their PV system. They can consume 63% of this themselves.


All the values are displayed clearly in Solar.web. and the family can also find out where they can make adjustments in order to use even more of their own power for their own electrical devices – an invaluable tool as the more solar energy Laura uses in the house, the faster her system pays for itself.



» Siempre nos enorgullece haber elegido esta solución, ya que producimos energía limpia y hacemos nuestro pequeño aporte para la protección del medioambiente. «



About the system:

  • 4.2 kWp photovoltaic system with Fronius Primo inverter and Solarwatt battery
  • Degree of self-sufficiency: 63%
  • 58% energy independence
  • PV system monitoring via the Fronius Solar.web online portal
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